
Nuns, Priests & Potters—Perfect Jobs for an Apocalypse World

January 12, 2012 in Apocalypse World

In our last post, we shared career options for the apocalypse world. However, if you truly believe the apocalypse is near and you’re not interested in becoming a nurse or mortician (or you haven’t started school for those kind of jobs yet), rest easy, because we’ve got more ideas for you. So put down those young adult fantasy books, enroll where you need to, start studying and get your new career going because that Mayan clock is ticking for some of you, and for others, like you unlucky Pearls, it’s the tick tock of the birthday clock that has you on edge.

Priests and Nuns

You may think “Why would we need priests and nuns in an apocalypse world?” Same reason the demand for morticians will be so great—when your loved ones die, you’ll need comfort. As the world crumbles around you and your life becomes worse than the end of the world scenarios you’ve read about in the most graphic science fiction and fantasy books, you may suddenly want to find God. Many of us find the Lord in our time of need—and priests and nuns can help you do exactly that. They can provide solace in times of desperate grief and provide an ear for that confession you want to make when you believe the end is near.

If this sounds like the perfect career for you, or even if it doesn’t, the path here is easy. Who is going to know whether you’ve truly studied for either of these vocations? Sounds like all you have to do is grab yourself a bible and a nun or priest costume and you’re good to go! You could probably even wrap your favorite young adult fantasy book in a bible cover and wax philosophical if you hate the sound of psalms and passages from the bible. Just call yourself a member of the modern day clergy.

The next career option may not excite you science fiction and fantasy fans, but it will be a critical role to play in an apocalypse world society: Potter. When all that is left for us to work with is mud caked with the blood and guts of the innocent, someone who knows what to do with this new form of raw material will be cashing in. Artistic talent and mastery of ceramic arts won’t even be necessary for this arena. You just need to be able to make durable goods with practical functions—plates, bowls, shelter, a pot to %$&# in. You’ve got the idea.

If we do actually recover from whatever romantic apocalypse style catastrophe occurs, the career path for a good potter is unlimited—you’ll be the creator of your own destiny. You can make anything from bloody mud and once civilization begins to rebuild, you’ll have a lot of choices for using this coveted talent. If you are artistic, you could become the new Michelangelo if you really want. You could build pueblo style houses, office buildings or even churches! This really could be the chance you’ve been looking for to make a new life for yourself.

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