Surviving a romantic apocalypse
November 16, 2011 in Apocalypse World
We’ve all been there—one day, you’re happy and the next, you’re immersed in a full-fledged romantic apocalypse. It seems like your world is ending, and you just know that you’ll never get over it. Relax—there are ways you can heal your heart and start thinking about an adventure romance again, even when you’re living in a post apocalypse world.
Don’t jump back in.
Give yourself some time to heal, without dating or having sex. Read some young adult fantasy books, clean out your closets, do spa nights at home and just take care of yourself.
Work it out.
Hit the gym, go for walks, do yoga and take up a new form of exercise. This gives you time to clear your head and get your endorphins going, while relieving some of the stress that accompanies a broken heart. Plus, regular workouts will get you looking hot for your next and keep you prepared for obstacles in this post apocalypse world.
Write it out.
Spend some time every morning writing your thoughts down in a journal. Who knows—maybe your stories could become a best-selling series of young adult fantasy books!
Rest up.
Sleep and exercise can help you avoid depression. Make sure to get in a solid eight hours. Taking care of yourself physically will help your emotions heal faster, and you need to be well-rested so you can defend yourself in this apocalypse world.
This is the perfect time to assess your role in the breakup and what your patterns may be. A broken heart can inspire change and lead you towards your next young adult fantasy romance.
Eat well.
Don’t fall into emotional eating—avoid comfort food and overeating, and stock your refrigerator with fresh, healthy foods. Keep in mind that cooking can be therapeutic—and it’s an impressive skill to flaunt when you’re trying to find a mate for a young adult fantasy romance.
Don’t be hard on yourself.
Give yourself credit for what you did well in your relationship and learn from its demise. It’s your turn to grow, just like the protagonists in all of our favorite young adult fantasy books.
If you want some tips for keeping your fantasy romance alive, click here.