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Is the Apocalypse World upon us?

December 22, 2011 in Apocalypse World

Since the solstice is upon us, many are talking about all the signs and rumors around the future existence of an apocalypse world. While I agree that we should prepare for the worst, at the same time, some of these rumors have no basis and others simply stem from a paranoid mentality. Many cite the Gulf oil spill, the tsunami in Japan, various earthquakes throughout the world and the uprisings in the Middle East as indicators of the end of the world. In reality, science shows us that these natural disasters are exactly that, and not the result of the anger of the gods above. This is not science fiction and fantasy—this is a real world we live in, and if we have anything to worry about, it’s The Heat or the inability to find a mate.

Many others, especially those who spend their days buried in  young adult fantasy books, refer to the “Mayan prediction of the 2012 apocalypse.” They cite the Mayan’s ability to predict future events, but there is no physical evidence of the 2012 prediction—they simply had a calendar system that ended in 2012. The Mayans never said the world would end that year, and modern day Mayans show irritation at this widespread rumor. Again, more fodder for science fiction and fantasy books.

In terms of other “signs” of an apocalypse world referred to by proponents of this rumor, oil spills happen often—according to the Union of Concerned Scientists, approximately one billion gallons of oil spills into oceans each year. While devastating, natural disasters like earthquakes and tsunamis have occurred for thousands of years. And we’re still here, aren’t we?

While they may not be written about in the oh-so-popular young adult fantasy books, uprisings in the Middle East have gone on since the beginning of time.

Whether or not 2012 brings “the end,” via the Heat, the Uni-Gov or the apocalypse of 2012, people are capitalizing on it. There’s been a flood of films, young adult books, survival kits and more to hit the marketplace. It sounds like a hoax and a half to this Ethics Officer! The only real threat of an apocalypse we really have to worry about is the one caused by the Heat or what the Uni-Gov has in store for Pearls. Instead of falling for the hype, my advice is to spend your time trying to find a mate or a way to permanently protect yourself from the heat.



by eden

Will the Winter Solstice bring me fantasy and adventure?

December 22, 2011 in Eden's Posts

I’m excited about the winter solstice. While to some, it’s just the shortest day and longest night of the year, or the first day of winter, for me it’s a time to reflect on the past year and make my goals for 2012. It’s a time to make wishes and lay out a plan to bring them to reality. While my obvious goal is to save the pearls, I also want the next year to bring me all the fantasy and adventure possible—for as long as I’m still here anyway.

The days getting longer represents a message of hope—before long, the end of the cold, darkest season will be here. Instead of thinking about the impending romantic apocalypse, you can start hoping and planning for dreams to come true. It’s a time to hibernate, but not in a depressive way—instead, it’s a time to go inward and reflect.

The darkness comes and it goes—over the next few days, I’m going to think about everything that I really want and see how I can make it all happen. While my obvious priority is to save the pearls, there are other things I am dreaming of—but it would all be turned upside down if we find ourselves in an apocalypse world. In the next few days, I am going to state my goals, rest and re-energize myself for the coming months and year. I’m going to follow pagan footsteps and meditate on how I will bring fantasy and adventure into my life in a good way. While my overall theme is to avoid a romantic apocalypse, I am going to reach even higher. What will you wish for this solstice?

If you’re wishing for love and are wondering if it really exists, check out this blog post on fantasy romance.


Addiction to Science Fiction and Fantasy Books

December 21, 2011 in Apocalypse World

Lately I’ve noticed that all people can talk about are the latest science fiction and fantasy books and films—conventions overflow with people dressed up in costumes that pay homage to their favorite stars, fans are lined up outside ready to wait as long as it takes to get tickets to the latest films and books, and these genres of books have topped the bestseller list for what seems like ages. Why are people so obsessed with this arena when they really should be focused on ensuring their survival in an apocalypse world?

Obviously, science fiction and fantasy books provides an escape from our harsh reality. One of the basic premises of both, with any kind of art for these genres, is irrationality. For example, young adult fantasy books tend to be set in places that transcend the boundaries of the world as we know it. Readers establish relationships with the characters that take precedence over the ones in their real life. They relate and devour sequel after sequel until the character arc is complete.

Readers and moviegoers often read fiction to live vicariously through others, with the goal of entertainment and escape. Even in apocalypse world novels and dystopian books, the settings can still serve as a source of hope, a mission statement for our own belief that we will escape The Heat or whatever else the Uni-Gov has in store for us.

Or perhaps this obsession with the genre, whether experienced through young adult fantasy novels, films or video games, is due to the lack of rational individuals in our society. The Keirsey Temperament website states, “Rationals are very scarce, comprising as little as five to seven percent of the population.” Scary prospect—if that is true, we may find ourselves living out the plots of our favorite apocalypse world novels if there are no rational individuals left to save us from ourselves.



by eden

Fantasy romance… does it really exist?

December 15, 2011 in Eden's Posts

This whole fantasy romance thing with Jamal has been like a roller coaster lately. I’m not really sure how much I can trust him. He’s been acting very moody and seems more interested in what my dad’s doing than I am. Instead of asking how my day was, he always asks how my dad’s experiment to save the pearls is going. It’s super annoying. Plus, I saw him talking to my evil coworker when he thought I wasn’t around—and it seemed like they were flirting. Hmmm.

I’m in such a difficult spot right now. I need to find a mate before my 18th birthday, because if I don’t, we all know what happens—I’m a goner. Unless, of course, the whole experiment to save the pearls works. It’s hard for me to put all my eggs in that basket, though, even though my dad’s the one conducting the experiment. I’ve been trying to have faith that this whole fantasy romance thing with Jamal is going to work, but now I’m getting nervous. Like I said, I’m not sure I can trust him, and isn’t that a crucial element of a relationship? This is my first real one, so all I have to go by is what I’ve read about love in young adult books. The chemistry and attraction is there, but is that really enough to motivate him to mate with me?

A part of me feels like I should just get back out there and try to find a mate fast. Yet the other part of me, the one ruled by my heart, tells me I should just believe and go with this thing I have with Jamal. But in this day and age, does fantasy romance really exist? Or is just a myth, a thing of the past, a fictional dream ingrained in our heads from reading too many romance novels and young adult books? What do you guys think?


The benefits of young adult books

December 14, 2011 in Apocalypse World

As a society on the brink of becoming an apocalypse world, you’re probably wondering who has time for young adult books? Or why would we bother when there are life and death circumstances looming over our heads?

In actuality, young adult books aka YA fiction, offer more than just a respite from reality. For example, young adult fantasy is one of the most evolving genres in existence. While the demographic is ages 12-18, the readership is actually much wider, including middle aged men and women. The themes that young adult books revolve around are relatable to readers of all ages—relationships, sexuality, drug abuse, change, and transition.  The content tends to be edgier than other genres—at times, even controversial due to mature content.

While young adult books are often criticized for a lack of structure and moral content, there are myriad benefits to this type of fiction. The stories and characters can teach readers important life lessons and positively influence them during difficult times of transition. When you feel that an author or their characters have shared similar challenges and emotions, it helps you to understand that you’re not alone and that others empathize with your situation.

While the young adult fantasy novels that we’ve seen catapult to success over the last few years have paranormal and supernatural elements that make them unrealistic, they are still relatable and can help readers evolve. While there aren’t really wizards, vampires and werewolves among us, we can still understand the need to fit in, recover from a lost love or find a mate. Readers of all ages, but especially teenagers, face difficulties with self discovery and social issues—when they follow young adult fantasy characters through similar circumstances, they experience a sense of comfort.

As we all try to navigate the issues of an imminent apocalypse world and fulfill our need to find a mate, we can gain important insight from the protagonists in young adult books. Whether they’re also trying to save the pearls or are simply escaping issues in their own minds, readers everywhere can stand to benefit from books from this time-tested genre.


by eden

PEARL-y whites in an Apocalypse World

December 13, 2011 in Eden's Posts

I feel like I’m on a roll with my girl’s guide to the apocalypse, lol. So this week, let’s think about what to do about our pearly whites when we find ourselves in the midst of an apocalypse world—seeing as they’re pretty important. I mean, I don’t think we’ll have blenders and smoothies at our disposal, so we probably want to keep as many as we can.

In science fiction and fantasy books, we never see anyone caring for their choppers, so I’m winging this one—with a little help from my dentist. First off, he always tells me, “Only floss the teeth you want to keep.” Soooo, load up on the floss! I’m talking stockpile. The containers are so small, it shouldn’t be too difficult to have floss on hand at all times.

If you’re trying to find or cultivate an adventure romance, you’ll definitely want to prioritize toothbrushes and toothpaste in your survival kit. Yet that stuff can only last so long, so my dentist gave me a few ideas for when we run out. I’ll warn you, his ideas are not pretty and actually make me think romantic apocalypse, but here goes… while swilling your saliva around and licking your teeth can help prevent tartar build-up, you need something much more abrasive. A powdered pumice stone can be helpful, and plant sap is a great, albeit not as refreshing, substitute for toothpaste.

A reusable piece of fine string can be a great for flossing. The most important thing is to remove food particles from your teeth after eating to reduce bacteria. Be gentle—this is an area where you may want to dedicate a little time, so you don’t damage whatever teeth you do have left. Kissing someone with a virtual meal left in their mouth sounds like a direct path to a romantic apocalypse to me.

In all the science fiction and fantasy films I’ve watched, everyone looks perfect. Clearly, there are no standard guidelines for this, so send me any ideas you have! For now, it’s probably best to get your teeth professionally cleaned as often as recommended and get your dentist check-ups in. The better we take care of our teeth now, the better our chance of keeping some of them later—and the more teeth we have later, the greater our chances for maintaining an adventure romance. Wow, this does not sound fun!!


by eden

Creating the perfect adventure romance

December 10, 2011 in Apocalypse World

We’ve received a lot of emails lately with members asking how to turn their stale relationship into the adventure romance of their dreams. This is a great question—we turned to some of our dating and mating experts to see what tips they had for creating the kind of relationship that will sustain a lifetime in an apocalypse world.

First off, all men crave adventure, so it’s important for women to make them feel like they don’t have to give up their adventurous side when they settle down. In fact, you want to inspire and encourage your mate to do adventurous things, with and without you. If you can add elements of fantasy and adventure into the relationship, neither one of you will get bored.

This doesn’t mean you have to climb Mount Everest and run marathons—though that could be cool—it’s about being willing to get out of your comfort zone. It can be as simple as trying exotic foods, going on road trips, getting couples massages or taking a surprise vacation. Think about when you read about romance in young adult books—the protagonist’s life always is an adventure, and they usually end up with the one they want, don’t they?

Just being open to new experiences is sexy and shows that you’re confident and fearless. That alone is enough to spice up a relationship with all the fantasy and adventure you need. It may have to be when we find ourselves in an apocalypse world, as we won’t have access to luxuries like vacations or massages. By becoming adventurous now, you’ll have the tools you need to stir the pot with some adventure when your resources are more limited.

Even if you’re single at the moment, start upping your adventurous ante now, so that when you find a mate, he’ll see that side of you and be ready to cross mountains and rivers to be with you. Observe friends who are in satisfying relationships, read young adult books to see what the protagonists do, and stretch the boundaries of your comfort zone every chance you get.




Can dystopian novels help you prepare for an apocalypse world?

December 7, 2011 in Apocalypse World

With thoughts of doom and gloom that loom in the form of an apocalypse world populated with zombies or the like, it seems that there are some things we can do to prepare for such an evil outcome. It’s a given that we need tools, supplies and weapons for our eventual battle with otherworldly types. While detailed plans for defending yourself are a no-brainer, how do we prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally to live in such a catastrophic scenario?

Many have taken to reading dystopian novels and post apocalyptic books like the Save the Pearls series for insight into the mindset on must adopt during such an era. While these are fictional stories, they can still help you to understand how you would think, ways to recover from loss and ideas for getting through the days and nights. Even though most tend to also be categorized as young adult books, the characters are still relatable to all ages—and readers span the gamut, from tweens to middle age.

An added bonus is that dystopian novels tend to have elements of fantasy romance interwoven throughout, to give readers a sense of hope. So while immersing yourself in this not-so-happy mindset, the reader also gets to enjoy an escape from reality, a chance to forget about the impending romantic apocalypse and focus on another character’s life. Some of the content in post apocalyptic books, for example, is so grim that it makes even the worse reality seem better and can put our blessings in perspective.

Sounds like the perfect avenue of mental and emotional preparation— you’ll get your fantasy romance fix in while getting your mind right for an apocalypse world. It’s the perfect mix.


by eden

Wardrobe for a post apocalypse world

November 24, 2011 in Apocalypse World, Eden's Posts

While the rest of the world packs to go away for Thanksgiving, I’m packing for the post apocalypse world. Right now, I’m getting girly-girl for a minute to think about what clothes we would need. I wonder if I’d still have to find a mate, worry about some fantasy romance or still try to save the Pearls. I got ideas for some of the items from science fiction and fantasy books, and others from Uni-Gov propaganda.

Obviously, I think you need a lot of the same stuff you’d need for Burning Man. A large, sturdy hat like a Russian Bomber Hat is a no-brainer in the apocalypse world—and it looks cute. Wool socks, goggles, dust mask, rain coat, long underwear, gloves, and gas mask are other must-haves. These outfits sound just perfect for attracting some fantasy romance—ha!



Romantic apocalypse… more survival tips

November 23, 2011 in Apocalypse World

Our survival guide for an apocalypse world continues. We understand how hard it can be when you try to find a mate and think you’ve succeeded, and next thing you know, your Pearl self is on the chopping block. Here are some ways to get through a romantic apocalypse quickly so you can move on to the fantasy romance we all want and deserve.

Limit the rant. Set aside some time every day—but not too long—to be sad. Then move on to something productive, like working to help save the pearls or de-cluttering your apartment.

Go through the sadness. Feel the pain for a bit and then distract yourself by doing some of your favorite things, like reading science fiction and fantasy books, surfing, running, etc. Focus on the healing so that you can move on sooner rather than later. You can’t find a mate and your next adventure romance when you’re pining away at home.


Prepare for the next. Your ex isn’t the last potentially perfect mate on the planet, even in this apocalypse world. You will find another fantasy romance, you just need some time to heal.

Learn from the breakup. This is a great opportunity to assess your relationship patterns and see how you can make changes. Instead of burying your nose in young adult books the entire time (though that’s okay when you need some distraction),  determine what signs to look for next time. Did you move too fast? Or did you stay too long when it should have ended earlier? Focus on your role in this romantic apocalypse, so that your eyes are open next time.

Acknowledge the good and the bad. Congratulate yourself for what you did well in this relationship, and promise yourself you will not make the same mistakes again. Your relationship is not fodder for works of science fiction and fantasy—it’s a way to grow, evolve and learn how to have a healthy life. We at Save the Pearls know how important it is to have a successful relationship, so good luck to you all!

If you want some tips for keeping your fantasy romance alive, click here.

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