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by eden

Fantasy romance in an apocalypse world

January 20, 2012 in Apocalypse World

We’ve all heard the saying “Love conquers all,” but will that old adage stand true in a post apocalypse world? Will the strength of love really withstand all the obstacles and life-threatening situations you’ll find in your path? In reality, thought loves does exist, it certainly will not overcome obstacles or trump another’s natural tendency towards survival. For a fantasy romance to work in an apocalypse world will require much more than just love.

The love in fantasy romance novels is wild, passionate and dramatic—able to withstand the most dystopian setting imaginable. If you’ve ever experienced a relationship, you know that kind of feeling rarely lasts and can end up being destructive and codependent. We’re not living in a world of fantasy and adventure—ours is a dark one, where reality is dull and sometimes brutal, especially for the Pearls. If we find ourselves immersed in a post apocalypse world as predicted, then things are going to be very dog eat dog. Even if it doesn’t, the people who mate by their 18th birthday may find themselves in their own trap—for Pearls, mating is out of survival, so they’re looking for pretty much anyone to pick up their mate-option, meaning all compatibility issues fly out the window.

Imagine that you and your love are hunting for dinner. You’re both tired, hot and thirsty, and arguing about which direction to go. You’re sweaty and looking terrible and next thing you know, you’re arguing. Not the fantasy and adventure you’ve read about in young adult books. The argument overrides your environment and you stop being present—you get so caught up and distracted that you don’t hear the group of looters, zombies or worse that sneak up behind you. You’re both caught so off-guard that you find yourself smack in the middle of a romantic apocalypse style battle. It’s an utter travesty!

If everyone didn’t have to mate, then it would probably be best to avoid a fantasy romance altogether and instead form alliances with others whose skills and talents complement your own. In a climate of post apocalyptic survival, you will already be extremely emotionally charged—it can make it worse when you’re emotionally charged not only in regards to your survival, but to how your mate is acting or treating you. It’s a huge catch-22 in so many ways. For example, if you’re a female and you know how to hunt better than your mate, are you going to act like you don’t so you can assume the more feminine role rather than start an argument or perhaps emasculate your man? These kinds of scenarios will be rampant, keeping you on the edge of a romantic apocalypse at all times.


by eden

Nuns, Priests & Potters—Perfect Jobs for an Apocalypse World

January 12, 2012 in Apocalypse World

In our last post, we shared career options for the apocalypse world. However, if you truly believe the apocalypse is near and you’re not interested in becoming a nurse or mortician (or you haven’t started school for those kind of jobs yet), rest easy, because we’ve got more ideas for you. So put down those young adult fantasy books, enroll where you need to, start studying and get your new career going because that Mayan clock is ticking for some of you, and for others, like you unlucky Pearls, it’s the tick tock of the birthday clock that has you on edge.

Priests and Nuns

You may think “Why would we need priests and nuns in an apocalypse world?” Same reason the demand for morticians will be so great—when your loved ones die, you’ll need comfort. As the world crumbles around you and your life becomes worse than the end of the world scenarios you’ve read about in the most graphic science fiction and fantasy books, you may suddenly want to find God. Many of us find the Lord in our time of need—and priests and nuns can help you do exactly that. They can provide solace in times of desperate grief and provide an ear for that confession you want to make when you believe the end is near.

If this sounds like the perfect career for you, or even if it doesn’t, the path here is easy. Who is going to know whether you’ve truly studied for either of these vocations? Sounds like all you have to do is grab yourself a bible and a nun or priest costume and you’re good to go! You could probably even wrap your favorite young adult fantasy book in a bible cover and wax philosophical if you hate the sound of psalms and passages from the bible. Just call yourself a member of the modern day clergy.

The next career option may not excite you science fiction and fantasy fans, but it will be a critical role to play in an apocalypse world society: Potter. When all that is left for us to work with is mud caked with the blood and guts of the innocent, someone who knows what to do with this new form of raw material will be cashing in. Artistic talent and mastery of ceramic arts won’t even be necessary for this arena. You just need to be able to make durable goods with practical functions—plates, bowls, shelter, a pot to %$&# in. You’ve got the idea.

If we do actually recover from whatever romantic apocalypse style catastrophe occurs, the career path for a good potter is unlimited—you’ll be the creator of your own destiny. You can make anything from bloody mud and once civilization begins to rebuild, you’ll have a lot of choices for using this coveted talent. If you are artistic, you could become the new Michelangelo if you really want. You could build pueblo style houses, office buildings or even churches! This really could be the chance you’ve been looking for to make a new life for yourself.

by eden

Fantasy romance… does it really exist?

December 15, 2011 in Eden's Posts

This whole fantasy romance thing with Jamal has been like a roller coaster lately. I’m not really sure how much I can trust him. He’s been acting very moody and seems more interested in what my dad’s doing than I am. Instead of asking how my day was, he always asks how my dad’s experiment to save the pearls is going. It’s super annoying. Plus, I saw him talking to my evil coworker when he thought I wasn’t around—and it seemed like they were flirting. Hmmm.

I’m in such a difficult spot right now. I need to find a mate before my 18th birthday, because if I don’t, we all know what happens—I’m a goner. Unless, of course, the whole experiment to save the pearls works. It’s hard for me to put all my eggs in that basket, though, even though my dad’s the one conducting the experiment. I’ve been trying to have faith that this whole fantasy romance thing with Jamal is going to work, but now I’m getting nervous. Like I said, I’m not sure I can trust him, and isn’t that a crucial element of a relationship? This is my first real one, so all I have to go by is what I’ve read about love in young adult books. The chemistry and attraction is there, but is that really enough to motivate him to mate with me?

A part of me feels like I should just get back out there and try to find a mate fast. Yet the other part of me, the one ruled by my heart, tells me I should just believe and go with this thing I have with Jamal. But in this day and age, does fantasy romance really exist? Or is just a myth, a thing of the past, a fictional dream ingrained in our heads from reading too many romance novels and young adult books? What do you guys think?


by eden

Creating the perfect adventure romance

December 10, 2011 in Apocalypse World

We’ve received a lot of emails lately with members asking how to turn their stale relationship into the adventure romance of their dreams. This is a great question—we turned to some of our dating and mating experts to see what tips they had for creating the kind of relationship that will sustain a lifetime in an apocalypse world.

First off, all men crave adventure, so it’s important for women to make them feel like they don’t have to give up their adventurous side when they settle down. In fact, you want to inspire and encourage your mate to do adventurous things, with and without you. If you can add elements of fantasy and adventure into the relationship, neither one of you will get bored.

This doesn’t mean you have to climb Mount Everest and run marathons—though that could be cool—it’s about being willing to get out of your comfort zone. It can be as simple as trying exotic foods, going on road trips, getting couples massages or taking a surprise vacation. Think about when you read about romance in young adult books—the protagonist’s life always is an adventure, and they usually end up with the one they want, don’t they?

Just being open to new experiences is sexy and shows that you’re confident and fearless. That alone is enough to spice up a relationship with all the fantasy and adventure you need. It may have to be when we find ourselves in an apocalypse world, as we won’t have access to luxuries like vacations or massages. By becoming adventurous now, you’ll have the tools you need to stir the pot with some adventure when your resources are more limited.

Even if you’re single at the moment, start upping your adventurous ante now, so that when you find a mate, he’ll see that side of you and be ready to cross mountains and rivers to be with you. Observe friends who are in satisfying relationships, read young adult books to see what the protagonists do, and stretch the boundaries of your comfort zone every chance you get.




by eden

Beauty tips for an Apocalypse World Part 1—Hair and Nails

December 9, 2011 in Eden's Posts

So many people wrote me about my wardrobe tips for an apocalypse world that I felt compelled to create a guide filled with beauty tips. I mean, we can’t just let ourselves go in the midst of dystopia—if we do, we’re sure to lose any chance of a fantasy romance. I mean, dudes out there are searching for the perfect girl, not the perfect Chewbacca! Speaking of hairy creatures, I know a lot of you are wondering, whatever will we do with our crowning glory?

We all know that when our hair looks good, we feel good. Our mane has the power to inspire fantasy and adventure and unlock our self-confidence from the depths of wherever. The products and styling time that go into it our locks are greater than any other part of getting ready, even for those with short hair. In the apocalypse world, we’ll have little time and not be able to waste any power on luxuries like a blow dryer or flatiron—a complete travesty for those who are still trying to find a mate. If you’re not down to chop it all off, I suggest getting a stockpile of baby powder to double as dry shampoo and as deodorizer for your body.

I understand that even though we’ll be in the midst of catastrophe, you still may be trying to cultivate a fantasy romance and find a mate. Even so, you may really want to consider cutting longer locks into a bob. The tangles will be narly, bugs may take up residence and it will just be a lot cleaner. If that’s not an option (I get it, no romantic apocalypse will make me cut mine!) then you’ll want lots of ponytail holders so that you can braid it and get it out of your face.

Nails… I hate to break it to you, but you’ll have to cut those babies all the way down. You’ll need a pair of clipper and a nail file and that’s it. It’s not even remotely realistic to think that we’ll be able to have pretty nails. Well-kempt is the best we can hope for. Think about all the fantasy and adventure books you’ve read so far—do you remember any of the protagonists talk about being able to shower and wash their hair? Right, I didn’t think so.


Can dystopian novels help you prepare for an apocalypse world?

December 7, 2011 in Apocalypse World

With thoughts of doom and gloom that loom in the form of an apocalypse world populated with zombies or the like, it seems that there are some things we can do to prepare for such an evil outcome. It’s a given that we need tools, supplies and weapons for our eventual battle with otherworldly types. While detailed plans for defending yourself are a no-brainer, how do we prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally to live in such a catastrophic scenario?

Many have taken to reading dystopian novels and post apocalyptic books like the Save the Pearls series for insight into the mindset on must adopt during such an era. While these are fictional stories, they can still help you to understand how you would think, ways to recover from loss and ideas for getting through the days and nights. Even though most tend to also be categorized as young adult books, the characters are still relatable to all ages—and readers span the gamut, from tweens to middle age.

An added bonus is that dystopian novels tend to have elements of fantasy romance interwoven throughout, to give readers a sense of hope. So while immersing yourself in this not-so-happy mindset, the reader also gets to enjoy an escape from reality, a chance to forget about the impending romantic apocalypse and focus on another character’s life. Some of the content in post apocalyptic books, for example, is so grim that it makes even the worse reality seem better and can put our blessings in perspective.

Sounds like the perfect avenue of mental and emotional preparation— you’ll get your fantasy romance fix in while getting your mind right for an apocalypse world. It’s the perfect mix.


by eden

Inhaling young adult books

December 7, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Lately, I’ve been consuming young adult books like they’re food and I’m starving in an apocalypse world—as usual, I need to create dark metaphors. I’ve realized what their appeal is—the protagonists are always people you can relate to. You have either already been through what they’re experiencing or it’s the basis of your deepest fears. You become invested in the characters and then, 99 percent of the time, they renew your hope in life when all goes well in the end. That’s exactly it—these young adult fantasy novels are renewing my hope.

My favorites at the moment are science fiction and fantasy books. Their stories give me an escape and make me completely forget about my situation. It’s refreshing, like taking the vacation I can’t ever take. It’s the one time I can forget about the imminence of an apocalypse world or trying to find a mate and just relax and enjoy. Get lost in another person’s problems.

I think I’ve gotten to the bottom of it—if I keep inhaling young adult books, maybe I will find the solutions to my issues or at least learn from the main characters’ quests. Until then, I’m pillaging the library of all its science fiction and fantasy titles.


by eden

Girl’s Survival Guide for the Apocalypse World

November 29, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Let’s face it—there are so many solutions we’ve gotta come up with like right away. We’re going to have to adapt to an apocalypse world in many more ways than guys do. And if you’re lucky enough to find a mate, it’s going to be even tougher. Trying to keep the fantasy romance alive in your relationship will be tough, if not impossible. Sounds like we’ve got some serious brainstorming to do at our next Save the Pearls meeting.

Obviously, we’re weaker and smaller than most dudes. On top of that, we’re high maintenance—we’ve got a lot more physical issues to learn to live with. For starters, what about body hair? While guys welcome a vacation from shaving and sometimes even look hot with a beard, girls don’t get too psyched about having hairy legs and armpits—except for the hippie chicks anyway. Thought I’m starting to think “hippies” are just fictional characters from science fiction and fantasy novels.


There are rumors that laser hair removal can permanently remove hair—that sounds perfect for protecting the shelf life of your fantasy romance. I’ve also heard that intense pulsed light (IPL) is cheap and fast, but not as effective as laser. You could always get one of those old school epilator things now, as they’ll be very hard to find in an apocalypse world. Plus, you won’t really be able to use it much, as there’ll be way more important use for your batteries.

A Save the Pearls member is selling these tiny pairs of scissors that you trim away the heaviest areas of hair. This might do the job to keep the fantasy and adventure alive in your relationship.

Ultimately, it would be rad if guys would just learn to love us for who we are, oblivious to our hairiness. I mean, look how hair they are.

by eden

Full moons bring adventure romance

November 11, 2011 in Eden's Posts

The full moon is killer tonight. I feel like you could make a wish upon it and the chances it would come true are huge—that is, if you’re not a Pearl. It’s as if none of the good things in life are destined for us—like no Pearl would ever be so lucky to find the adventure romance we all dream of. I’m never giving up, though. I know we’ll find Gretchen and I will avoid that romantic apocalypse everyone warns me about. If I was able to get my story out there, I should be able to do anything, right? If you haven’t read it yet, please do—before it’s too late. You can get it by clicking here. I worry that they’ll shut me down when they find out it’s out there. Even if they do, I’ll find another way to spread the word. I’m looking forward to full moon dreams tonight, and making my wishes come true. What will you wish for?

by eden

It’s hard to believe in fantasy romance

November 9, 2011 in Eden's Posts

Comikaze was rad—it took my mind off of everything and gave me the chance to escape for a minute. I even stole away some time to read part of my favorite kind of book—young adult fantasy romance, of course. It gave me the chance to get my mind off of Gretchen, as well as Jamal. Ever since she disappeared, he changes the subject whenever I mention it. He just wants to talk about us. I should be flattered that he’s all about our young adult romance, but it’s a little scary, too. Plus, Jamal wants to move faster than even I do—and I’m the one that needs to! It’s scary because I don’t want him to just disappear one day after I’ve opened myself up like this—but then when I’m with him, I really do just want to jump in. He wants to know everything about my dad and is curious about me, which I appreciate, and steals away to be with me every chance I can. It’s just hard to believe that a Pearl could really fall in love like this…

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