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Apocalypse world rumors—don’t believe the hype

January 26, 2012 in Apocalypse World, Urban Fantasy

As everyone from NASA to George Lucas have issued statements striving to debunk the rumors of an impending apocalypse world, people are still flocking to buy “apocalypse kits,” setting up old school bomb shelters in their basements and stockpiling enough groceries to last six months. It’s an urban fantasy gone awry—and there are a slew of con artists who are exploiting the hype to the fullest.

As sales of young adult books with post apocalyptic themes top the best seller lists, the people reading them must be letting their imaginations get carried away. There’s a flurry of females signing up for combat classes, buying guns and learning extreme survival skills that will probably never be put to use. The only good thing coming out of this is that more and more people are singing up on the Save the Pearls website and joining the campaign.

The 2012 apocalypse rumor is not the first of its kind—not by a long shot. Predictions of an apocalypse world have been rampant since the beginning of time. Everyone from the Greeks and Romans to Native Americans and Nostradamus has created their own brand of mythical rapture. Whether it’s prompted by a full moon eclipse or an earthquake followed by a Tsunami, some religious sect or post modern cultural group has a theory about the destruction of our world as we know it. Yet if you look back through history, it seems that cultures around the world have already experienced some form of their own apocalypse—whether through a holocaust, war or natural disaster—and these same cultures still exist.

Two of the most referenced documents that instill hysteria among the masses are the Mayan Calendar and the Book of Revelations. It seems just as realistic to believe the stories in dystopian novels and other young adult books! While the Mayans never actually predicted that 2012 meant the onset of an apocalypse world (it merely marked the end of the Mayan calendar), the Book of Revelations offers a pretty harrowing account of our future. Only a religion based on fear would offer such fodder for creating hysteria. Switch it out with an urban fantasy novel with dystopian themes and you’d have the same effect.

If only these same believers would put that energy towards helping to save the pearls!


by eden

Fantasy romance in an apocalypse world

January 20, 2012 in Apocalypse World

We’ve all heard the saying “Love conquers all,” but will that old adage stand true in a post apocalypse world? Will the strength of love really withstand all the obstacles and life-threatening situations you’ll find in your path? In reality, thought loves does exist, it certainly will not overcome obstacles or trump another’s natural tendency towards survival. For a fantasy romance to work in an apocalypse world will require much more than just love.

The love in fantasy romance novels is wild, passionate and dramatic—able to withstand the most dystopian setting imaginable. If you’ve ever experienced a relationship, you know that kind of feeling rarely lasts and can end up being destructive and codependent. We’re not living in a world of fantasy and adventure—ours is a dark one, where reality is dull and sometimes brutal, especially for the Pearls. If we find ourselves immersed in a post apocalypse world as predicted, then things are going to be very dog eat dog. Even if it doesn’t, the people who mate by their 18th birthday may find themselves in their own trap—for Pearls, mating is out of survival, so they’re looking for pretty much anyone to pick up their mate-option, meaning all compatibility issues fly out the window.

Imagine that you and your love are hunting for dinner. You’re both tired, hot and thirsty, and arguing about which direction to go. You’re sweaty and looking terrible and next thing you know, you’re arguing. Not the fantasy and adventure you’ve read about in young adult books. The argument overrides your environment and you stop being present—you get so caught up and distracted that you don’t hear the group of looters, zombies or worse that sneak up behind you. You’re both caught so off-guard that you find yourself smack in the middle of a romantic apocalypse style battle. It’s an utter travesty!

If everyone didn’t have to mate, then it would probably be best to avoid a fantasy romance altogether and instead form alliances with others whose skills and talents complement your own. In a climate of post apocalyptic survival, you will already be extremely emotionally charged—it can make it worse when you’re emotionally charged not only in regards to your survival, but to how your mate is acting or treating you. It’s a huge catch-22 in so many ways. For example, if you’re a female and you know how to hunt better than your mate, are you going to act like you don’t so you can assume the more feminine role rather than start an argument or perhaps emasculate your man? These kinds of scenarios will be rampant, keeping you on the edge of a romantic apocalypse at all times.


by eden

What is a romantic apocalypse?

January 14, 2012 in Eden's Posts

Everyone keeps asking what exactly a romantic apocalypse is, so I figured I should try to explain it for the sSave the Pearls community. I receive messages from so many people trying to guess what it is—some of the funniest include “The world ends because all of the fantasy and adventure is wiped from the face of the planet,” or “When civilization ends abruptly due to the lack of romance throughout,” and my absolutely favorite, “When a jilted lover uses his suffering to fuel a Columbine-style attack on all the major hot spots of the world.” I think these people are reading too many young adult books, because those theories couldn’t be any less realistic.

A romantic apocalypse actually defines the movement that the Coals have secretly launched against us. It’s their quest to eradicate all that is left of the Pearls, extinguishing any chance of our survival or return to happier socioeconomic times. It’s their pledge that if all Pearls don’t find a mate, they will be eliminated from society. It’s obviously an underground movement, just like the Save the Pearls campaign is a stealth community.

In most young adult books, there are the villains who threaten the main characters. In some stories, they are obviously evil and often decked with supernatural powers, while in others they are simply the bane of the protagonist’s existence—whether they stand in the way of a fantasy romance or provide some other obstacle to achieving their dreams. In our world, they are the Coals and the FFP, both trying to use their power in ways that defy humanity and decency.

While that may not be an answer that will satisfy fans of fantasy and adventure, it’s the one that counts. We have to be realistic and fully comprehend what we’re dealing with here. Pearls continue to disappear every day, never to be found—all in that same age range: 18 for females and 24 for males. Some are reported, while others are not. Each being that goes missing either refused to find a mate or just had zero luck in the fantasy romance department. Once they reach their “deadline,” it’s only a matter of time before they come. No one has ever escaped to tell the story of exactly who “they” are and what actually happens, but we know it’s no bueno.

Whether a romantic apocalypse is a bloody massacre or a stealth attack that the victim doesn’t see coming, it’s not good and definitely not fun. I wish all other Pearls good luck in mating so they can avoid this dark cloud that infinitely hangs over our heads. In the meantime, I’ll continue to try my hardest to make our cause the thing that stops this horrible movement.


Hot Jobs for an Apocalypse World

January 5, 2012 in Apocalypse World

Yes, it’s true—2012 is here and whether or not the apocalypse world is upon us, there are masses preparing for the worst case scenario. Since we’re in the habit of trying to save the Pearls, we’ve got an arsenal of strategies to prepare you for this science fiction and fantasy series of speculations that so many of you are most likely subscribing to.

Whether we’re overcome by zombies or the Coals unleash a plan to eradicate the Pearls, once the apocalypse world is in full effect, supplies are going to be scarce. At some point, when we start getting back on track with some form of society, we’re going to need some skills that are specific to this new world we’ll be living in. This means an entirely new career path for all those who want to survive—and those who dream of becoming authors of young adult fantasy novels need not apply. That MFA, degree in Art History or certificate in online marketing is probably not going to be too handy once we find ourselves fighting for our lives.

On all those sites like Monster, Craigs List and MSN, there are already a slew of what they call “recession-proof jobs,” and those for areas in failed economies, like the places where foreclosures were rampant. One of the number one post-meltdown jobs that will stand the test of all the atrocities any type of apocalypse world can incur is: Nurse.

It’s hard to think of what could be more valuable than a nurse in times of distress. Even those of you who had that dream of writing young adult fantasy novels can find some romance in nursing others back to health.

While all the best science fiction and fantasy novels lead us to believe that zombies will be out to kill and eat us all, we don’t know this for a fact. When was the last time you actually hung out with a zombie? In fact, the undead may need our help as well. That brings me to another hot career for the apocalypse world: Mortician. This will come in handy no matter what form the end of the world occurs in—whether it’s zombies, natural disasters or in the sad case that we don’t save the Pearls.

There will be piles of dead to embalm and prepare for funerals and eventual burials. Morticians will be critical to preventing the spread of whatever diseases occur in the aftermath. Plus, even when their lives are at stake, people are by nature very superstitious and will go to great lengths to ensure their loved ones receive proper burials. Not the most enticing career, but fundamental to the survival of whatever is left of the population, and therefore, very lucrative.


by eden

Wardrobe for a post apocalypse world

November 24, 2011 in Apocalypse World, Eden's Posts

While the rest of the world packs to go away for Thanksgiving, I’m packing for the post apocalypse world. Right now, I’m getting girly-girl for a minute to think about what clothes we would need. I wonder if I’d still have to find a mate, worry about some fantasy romance or still try to save the Pearls. I got ideas for some of the items from science fiction and fantasy books, and others from Uni-Gov propaganda.

Obviously, I think you need a lot of the same stuff you’d need for Burning Man. A large, sturdy hat like a Russian Bomber Hat is a no-brainer in the apocalypse world—and it looks cute. Wool socks, goggles, dust mask, rain coat, long underwear, gloves, and gas mask are other must-haves. These outfits sound just perfect for attracting some fantasy romance—ha!



Romantic apocalypse… more survival tips

November 23, 2011 in Apocalypse World

Our survival guide for an apocalypse world continues. We understand how hard it can be when you try to find a mate and think you’ve succeeded, and next thing you know, your Pearl self is on the chopping block. Here are some ways to get through a romantic apocalypse quickly so you can move on to the fantasy romance we all want and deserve.

Limit the rant. Set aside some time every day—but not too long—to be sad. Then move on to something productive, like working to help save the pearls or de-cluttering your apartment.

Go through the sadness. Feel the pain for a bit and then distract yourself by doing some of your favorite things, like reading science fiction and fantasy books, surfing, running, etc. Focus on the healing so that you can move on sooner rather than later. You can’t find a mate and your next adventure romance when you’re pining away at home.


Prepare for the next. Your ex isn’t the last potentially perfect mate on the planet, even in this apocalypse world. You will find another fantasy romance, you just need some time to heal.

Learn from the breakup. This is a great opportunity to assess your relationship patterns and see how you can make changes. Instead of burying your nose in young adult books the entire time (though that’s okay when you need some distraction),  determine what signs to look for next time. Did you move too fast? Or did you stay too long when it should have ended earlier? Focus on your role in this romantic apocalypse, so that your eyes are open next time.

Acknowledge the good and the bad. Congratulate yourself for what you did well in this relationship, and promise yourself you will not make the same mistakes again. Your relationship is not fodder for works of science fiction and fantasy—it’s a way to grow, evolve and learn how to have a healthy life. We at Save the Pearls know how important it is to have a successful relationship, so good luck to you all!

If you want some tips for keeping your fantasy romance alive, click here.

by eden

Doom and gloom in adventure romance novels

October 26, 2011 in Adventure romance tips

I was just starting to believe again—that love exists, and that even though I’m a Pearl, I would find the type of love you read about in adventure romance novels.

Then suddenly, though it’s not really a surprise, Gretchen disappeared. Literally just a day after her 18th birthday. It’s so obvious that they got her. I’ve been working so hard to Save the Pearls, but I couldn’t even save my best friend.What sucks the most is that she actually thought she might have found THE ONE. The one who was going to save her from the fate of a Pearl, the one who was going to show her that true love really does exist, the one who would change her life forever.

Gretchen was always so positive. We shared a love of adventure romance novels, Labradors like Austin, and working for a higher cause. Together, we founded the Save the Pearls movement. We honestly thought we could really make a difference and change things. Now, I’ve got to continue on without her. It’s a scary prospect, but I know I have to honor her by never giving up. I will do this until my time runs out. I don’t care if I get caught and I don’t care what the repercussions are. Even thought we all know I’d much rather be at home reading young adult fantasy romance books.

My emotions are like a roller coaster—one minute I’m depressed and the next I’m angry. I can’t even think about Jamal or us having this relationship that’s right out of some young adult fantasy romance novel. He was totally indifferent when I told him the news. He was like, “Whatever,” and then started telling me some stupid story about what happened earlier at work. I guess Coals just can’t really relate, can they? Now I’m not sure that this whole interracial dating can really work. What I am sure of is that I’m going to spend every waking, breathing moment looking for Gretchen.

Avoiding a romantic apocalypse–how to chill out a nightmare date

October 7, 2011 in Apocalypse World

Have you ever had a date you expected to be a young adult fantasy turn into a session of uptight silence or a nerve wracking romantic apocalypse? When you try to find a mate, you may browse online dating profiles, chat and talk on the phone. Despite great rapport during initial communication, a potential night of young adult fantasy romance can turn into one filled with awkward moments. It’s too bad that Harlequin romance novels don’t come with instructions!

In this type of dating and mating situation, you can either make an excuse to go home early or make some moves that can turn the date into the adventure romance you’re looking for. Since you don’t want to let a little nervousness blind you from a potentially perfect mate, it’s best to try to make the best of the evening—after all, you never know what can happen!

When the tension is almost palpable,  use some humor to lighten things up and acknowledge the awkwardness by making a joke about the silence. This shows your date that you can relate and puts you both at ease, setting up the potential for a young adult romance.

Another technique is to ask questions and sincerely listen to the responses of your potentially perfect mate. When you’re dating and mating and uncertain of someone’s interest, it can be unsettling. By showing genuine attention, your date will feel comfortable to let down their guard and be open to an adventure romance. We’re talking real interest—you can see it in a person’s expression when they fake it. Make eye contact, laugh when appropriate and encourage your date by interjecting positively from time to time. The results will be almost immediate and turn you right back around from the edge of a romantic apocalypse. If they’re very passionate about their work or perhaps a cause they’re involved with like Eden Newman and her quest to Save the Pearls, ask lots of questions and show sincere enthusiasm.

When a date deflects questions and is too nervous to talk, lighten things up and give the night an element of fantasy romance by talking about yourself. Tell your date about your day or what’s going on at work—though you probably want to leave out any mention of looking at online dating profiles or reading harlequin romance novels, lol. If you appear to be having fun, your date will feel less pressure to entertain you and eventually relax so you can engage them to talk about themselves.

You can also share an embarrassing story or confession with your date. Sometimes a little self-deprecation and willingness to show your humanity lightens the mood and puts you back on the road towards a young adult fantasy romance. The ability to laugh at yourself shows that you’re not perfect and will show someone who’s also trying to find a mate or a young adult romance that you’re fun and easy to get along with. When Eden Newman was on her quest to save the pearls and find a fantasy romance, she would tell the story of how she fell off her skateboard on her first day at the new job. It demonstrated to her dates that she was funny, lighthearted and a potential candidate for a young adult fantasy relationship.

Fantasy romance and exclusivity

September 28, 2011 in Apocalypse World

When you’re going through the dating and mating process and trying to find the perfect mate, there may be times when you’re uncertain of your relationship status. In our last post, we discussed ways to determine whether your young adult fantasy romance was on the right track or if you’re headed for a romantic apocalypse. Interesting tidbit: Save the Pearls membership rose immediately after that was posted. Perhaps some of our readers put down the young adult books and Harlequin romance novels to spend some time creating quality online dating profiles.

Here are some other ways to know whether it’s time to move on and find a mate or if you’re on the way to that fantasy romance.

A recent poll found that when men buy women gifts, they were more likely to consider the relationship on a serious level and that they may think they’ve found the perfect mate. When the gift is expensive, it’s an even greater indicator that your young adult romance is not just a passing fling. If gifts are never a part of your interaction, it may be a sign that you’re headed right for a romantic apocalypse.

Doin’ the Wild Thing
While no one in the poll said that sexual intimacy indicated exclusivity, it was considered important in a serious adventure romance. However, men also said they consider sex necessary in a serious relationship; this may be why they view it as a critical aspect of dating and mating.

The Total Package

The most important thing is to look for all of the signs. These behaviors should all be taking place if you want your adventure romance to have lasting power. When you’re trying to find a mate and a fantasy romance, it’s best to discuss exclusivity at some point to confirm this isn’t just a whirlwind experience taken from the stories in Harlequin romance novels. Watching for these signs and taking notice of your date’s behavior will help you feel confident that this is a young adult fantasy relationship and not the road to a romantic apocalypse.

Keep checking our posts to learn more about young adult fantasy romance, interracial dating and online dating profiles, while tuning in to Eden Newman and her quest to Save the Pearls.

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