Be realistic
August 18, 2011 in Eden's Posts
Okay, today, the boy I’ve been vibing made it clear that he’s vibing me back. Our eye contact was insane—it felt like he was seeing right into my mind, like he could read every thought I had. I felt almost… naked. He is so hot! We talked for a few minutes in the hallway, when no one else was around (of course). A coal can’t be seen talking to someone like me… like that. He was just inches away from my face, and I could tell he was feeling it. I’m trying to stay open to others and to just focus on the Save the Pearls campaign and not think I’m the main character in some adventure romance novel (my father always says, “Eden Newman, you’re not the star of some young adult fantasy romance. Be realistic). I don’t want to get my hopes up too much, either—interracial dating and mating is seriously frowned upon. But It’s hard to stay grounded in reality, when I’m certain this guy’s vibing me too. xox Eden Newman