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by eden

Urban fantasy and balancing acts

March 22, 2012 in Urban Fantasy

Today and the days surrounding are supposedly very powerful—in fact, the perfect time to bring every urban fantasy to life.  They say the days around the spring equinox are the best time to make a list of your goals and focus on making them come true—if that’s the case, then you know I’m focusing on how to save the Pearls and locking down my fantasy romance already!

Planetary Numerologist, John Davis, also the Director of Coptic Fellowship International and President of Spiritual Unity of Nations, wrote that March 21, 2012 is the most important date he has ever analyzed. As it’s exactly nine months before this year’s winter solstice on December 21, whatever seed we plant on and around March 21 will supposedly come true by December 21. That would work out perfectly for me, since we all know that my 18th birthday is right before that. So if I can cement my fantasy romance and mate with Jamal, I will survive my fate.

While some of us are focusing on creating the kind of world we want to live in, one where Pearls, Coals, Ambers and Tiger’s Eyes all live in peace and harmony, without any class system, others are focused on a different kind of young adult fantasy: balancing eggs. Yes, you read that right. Instead of thinking about peace, respect, love and a planet that is full of resources, the egg balancers are springing out of the woodwork. Apparently, it has something to do with the fact that this is one of the only two days each year where the day and night are exactly the same length.

Tales of urban fantasy state that, during the equinox, the position of the sun and other planets during the equinoxes enable miraculous feats of balance to occur. Hmmm. People are literally spending their time propping up eggs and cleaning up the mess when they don’t stand up on their own. They do this every year, despite the fact that astronomers report that equinoxes have no physical effect on objects or balance. Funnily enough, while the egg balancers come out during this time of year, at the fall equinox, these same people try to balance brooms—I’m gonna guess in honor of witches and Halloween.

I’ve read about the broom standers in a few young adult fantasy books—of course, the premise had to do with wizardry and the occult. I’m not going to lie, I tried it when I was little. The brooms just fell each time, knocking me on the forehead once or twice. I chalked it up to the fact that I was a lowly Pearl with no witchy or supernatural powers, and that the broom standers had to be getting a little help from above—or below. I guess I let all the tales of urban fantasy I’d read spark my imagination into believing. At least I didn’t try the messy egg trick!

I’m older now and not quite so gullible. Not to knock anyone’s else’s choices, but since I’m trying to help save the Pearls and my own life, I’m choosing to make a little list and check it more than twice. Plus, I don’t really want to spend my night cleaning up egg yolks.



Adventure romance on a new level—how to date a zombie

February 8, 2012 in Adventure romance tips, Apocalypse World

If you believe that life is one big series of science fiction and fantasy novels, you’re probably very busy preparing for that zombie onslaught we’ve been promised. The thing is, many of us may survive this apocalypse world scenario, so we need to figure out how to cohabitate with the undead and otherworldly. In fact, we may even have to find ways to date zombies—doesn’t that sound like the adventure romance of a lifetime?

Let’s say we’re absolutely immersed in an apocalypse world. Your chance of finding a mate has now dwindled to slimness of anorexic proportions. The odds of becoming the prince or princess of Siberia are probably better than finding a mate, especially if you’re a Pearl. Plus, with dwindling to limited resources, it will be more difficult to look your best and attract anyone at all. If you weren’t forced to find a mate, it probably wouldn’t even register in your thought process. Yet things are different for us—even in the most dire circumstances, the Pearls will still be required to mate, and if we don’t, our population will cease to exist.

While it may sound a bit like settling, you’re going to have to open your mind to the few options you have left. Forget about that list or dream board you created after watching The Secret, because the days of finding a “soul mate” or long gone. It’s time to get real and think about how to attract and have a successful adventure romance with that sexy clump of flesh that has only one thing on its mind—eating brains.

The first step is to wrap your mind around the idea and start thinking positive. You’ve got to make the most of what you have, so what better time than now? Forget about how unattractive all science fiction and fantasy novels and films make zombies appear—you never know what great attributes your dream zombie may have. If he or she died an easy death, then the exterior damage may be rather minimal and their pale bloodless skin may be easy to get used to.

Zombies actually may be perfect candidates for an adventure romance. They have some attributes that are actually quite… attractive. They’re steady, reliable, and always present in the moment. Plus, you’ll always know what’s on their mind—eating other’s brains!


by eden

Nuns, Priests & Potters—Perfect Jobs for an Apocalypse World

January 12, 2012 in Apocalypse World

In our last post, we shared career options for the apocalypse world. However, if you truly believe the apocalypse is near and you’re not interested in becoming a nurse or mortician (or you haven’t started school for those kind of jobs yet), rest easy, because we’ve got more ideas for you. So put down those young adult fantasy books, enroll where you need to, start studying and get your new career going because that Mayan clock is ticking for some of you, and for others, like you unlucky Pearls, it’s the tick tock of the birthday clock that has you on edge.

Priests and Nuns

You may think “Why would we need priests and nuns in an apocalypse world?” Same reason the demand for morticians will be so great—when your loved ones die, you’ll need comfort. As the world crumbles around you and your life becomes worse than the end of the world scenarios you’ve read about in the most graphic science fiction and fantasy books, you may suddenly want to find God. Many of us find the Lord in our time of need—and priests and nuns can help you do exactly that. They can provide solace in times of desperate grief and provide an ear for that confession you want to make when you believe the end is near.

If this sounds like the perfect career for you, or even if it doesn’t, the path here is easy. Who is going to know whether you’ve truly studied for either of these vocations? Sounds like all you have to do is grab yourself a bible and a nun or priest costume and you’re good to go! You could probably even wrap your favorite young adult fantasy book in a bible cover and wax philosophical if you hate the sound of psalms and passages from the bible. Just call yourself a member of the modern day clergy.

The next career option may not excite you science fiction and fantasy fans, but it will be a critical role to play in an apocalypse world society: Potter. When all that is left for us to work with is mud caked with the blood and guts of the innocent, someone who knows what to do with this new form of raw material will be cashing in. Artistic talent and mastery of ceramic arts won’t even be necessary for this arena. You just need to be able to make durable goods with practical functions—plates, bowls, shelter, a pot to %$&# in. You’ve got the idea.

If we do actually recover from whatever romantic apocalypse style catastrophe occurs, the career path for a good potter is unlimited—you’ll be the creator of your own destiny. You can make anything from bloody mud and once civilization begins to rebuild, you’ll have a lot of choices for using this coveted talent. If you are artistic, you could become the new Michelangelo if you really want. You could build pueblo style houses, office buildings or even churches! This really could be the chance you’ve been looking for to make a new life for yourself.

by eden

Resolutions— Keeping the Fantasy Romance Alive

December 30, 2011 in Eden's Posts

I’m working on my resolutions, even though 2012 could be my last year here, since I’m a lowly, coming-of-age Pearl. I’ve got two sets of resolutions: the first is focused on keeping my fantasy romance alive—because if I don’t, I’m history.

Become a better listener. Sometimes your mate needs you to just be there and listen, so I’m going to focus on doing that, instead of always trying to come up with a solution. I’ve got enough on my plate with the Save the Pearls campaign, working on my young adult fantasy novels and preparing for 2012—I just need to be there to listen, not solve everything.

Make time for dates. I’m going to come up with new things we can try to do together and make sure that we squeeze one-on-one time in whenever we can get away with it. I’m going to keep the fantasy romance alive by treating every time like it’s a first date—I’ll get dressed up and make sure my Midnight Luster is applied perfectly, make my room looks nice and not talk about the romantic apocalypse with him anymore!

Get myself together. I’m going to get in the best shape possible, which will help me prepare for the instance of an apocalypse world as well. My plan is to study hand-to-hand combat so that I can be as strong as the heroines of all my favorite young adult fantasy novels.

Be appreciative.
Instead of worrying about what I think Jamal’s doing wrong or what he isn’t doing, I plan to show my appreciation for what he does do. I’m going to make sure that I don’t complain and instead give lots of compliments.

Be positive. I’m also going to look at the glass as half full—meaning, I will think positively about my future and forget about the possibility of a romantic apocalypse.


by eden

Fantasy romance… should this be my solstice goal?

December 24, 2011 in Apocalypse World

I’m blown away by all the responses to my last post about the solstice. I had so many emails asking whether my goal is to find a new fantasy romance or work out the one I have with Jamal. Lol, what about the more important things, like my campaign to save the pearls?

Clearly, this campaign and helping my father succeed with his experiment are my ultimate goals.  Yet I’m also focused on saving myself from a romantic apocalypse. Who wouldn’t be? And it looks like the only way to do so is to keep things going with Jamal and hope that he finally commits or once again get back in the game, trying to find a mate—which sounds so gross!

I’ve been trying to maintain our fantasy romance, but honestly, it’s getting tougher by the day. He’s got the upper hand, since he’s a coal and all. I feel like the whole honeymoon period must be wearing off—before, all I could think about was him and I had no issues with him whatsoever. I was blind to his flaws and just wanted to make him happy. Now I’m starting to feel uncomfortable with some of the things I see him doing and my trust is fading.

At first, every time we saw each other, there was an overwhelming feeling of fantasy romance—it was almost tangible. The spark and chemistry that made me feel so alive—the kind of thing you read about in young adult books. Yet I’m starting to realize that you can’t force those feelings. If they fade, you’ve got to accept it—or maybe they were never really there in the first place. After all, I’m a pearl and he’s a coal. Could we really ever have a future?

So in answer to everyone’s question—my priority is still the save the pearls campaign.  If, at the same time, I can save myself from a romantic apocalypse, then that’s pure awesomeness.

The only other goal I set this solstice is to continue to get my story out there—I’ve got to get the rest out there before it’s too late. Whether it’s disguised as fodder for young adult books or accepted as a memoir doesn’t matter to me. The pearls know the truth, and the more people who get exposed to it, the greater our chance of survival.





Addiction to Science Fiction and Fantasy Books

December 21, 2011 in Apocalypse World

Lately I’ve noticed that all people can talk about are the latest science fiction and fantasy books and films—conventions overflow with people dressed up in costumes that pay homage to their favorite stars, fans are lined up outside ready to wait as long as it takes to get tickets to the latest films and books, and these genres of books have topped the bestseller list for what seems like ages. Why are people so obsessed with this arena when they really should be focused on ensuring their survival in an apocalypse world?

Obviously, science fiction and fantasy books provides an escape from our harsh reality. One of the basic premises of both, with any kind of art for these genres, is irrationality. For example, young adult fantasy books tend to be set in places that transcend the boundaries of the world as we know it. Readers establish relationships with the characters that take precedence over the ones in their real life. They relate and devour sequel after sequel until the character arc is complete.

Readers and moviegoers often read fiction to live vicariously through others, with the goal of entertainment and escape. Even in apocalypse world novels and dystopian books, the settings can still serve as a source of hope, a mission statement for our own belief that we will escape The Heat or whatever else the Uni-Gov has in store for us.

Or perhaps this obsession with the genre, whether experienced through young adult fantasy novels, films or video games, is due to the lack of rational individuals in our society. The Keirsey Temperament website states, “Rationals are very scarce, comprising as little as five to seven percent of the population.” Scary prospect—if that is true, we may find ourselves living out the plots of our favorite apocalypse world novels if there are no rational individuals left to save us from ourselves.



The benefits of young adult books

December 14, 2011 in Apocalypse World

As a society on the brink of becoming an apocalypse world, you’re probably wondering who has time for young adult books? Or why would we bother when there are life and death circumstances looming over our heads?

In actuality, young adult books aka YA fiction, offer more than just a respite from reality. For example, young adult fantasy is one of the most evolving genres in existence. While the demographic is ages 12-18, the readership is actually much wider, including middle aged men and women. The themes that young adult books revolve around are relatable to readers of all ages—relationships, sexuality, drug abuse, change, and transition.  The content tends to be edgier than other genres—at times, even controversial due to mature content.

While young adult books are often criticized for a lack of structure and moral content, there are myriad benefits to this type of fiction. The stories and characters can teach readers important life lessons and positively influence them during difficult times of transition. When you feel that an author or their characters have shared similar challenges and emotions, it helps you to understand that you’re not alone and that others empathize with your situation.

While the young adult fantasy novels that we’ve seen catapult to success over the last few years have paranormal and supernatural elements that make them unrealistic, they are still relatable and can help readers evolve. While there aren’t really wizards, vampires and werewolves among us, we can still understand the need to fit in, recover from a lost love or find a mate. Readers of all ages, but especially teenagers, face difficulties with self discovery and social issues—when they follow young adult fantasy characters through similar circumstances, they experience a sense of comfort.

As we all try to navigate the issues of an imminent apocalypse world and fulfill our need to find a mate, we can gain important insight from the protagonists in young adult books. Whether they’re also trying to save the pearls or are simply escaping issues in their own minds, readers everywhere can stand to benefit from books from this time-tested genre.


by eden

Beauty tips for an Apocalypse World Part 1—Hair and Nails

December 9, 2011 in Eden's Posts

So many people wrote me about my wardrobe tips for an apocalypse world that I felt compelled to create a guide filled with beauty tips. I mean, we can’t just let ourselves go in the midst of dystopia—if we do, we’re sure to lose any chance of a fantasy romance. I mean, dudes out there are searching for the perfect girl, not the perfect Chewbacca! Speaking of hairy creatures, I know a lot of you are wondering, whatever will we do with our crowning glory?

We all know that when our hair looks good, we feel good. Our mane has the power to inspire fantasy and adventure and unlock our self-confidence from the depths of wherever. The products and styling time that go into it our locks are greater than any other part of getting ready, even for those with short hair. In the apocalypse world, we’ll have little time and not be able to waste any power on luxuries like a blow dryer or flatiron—a complete travesty for those who are still trying to find a mate. If you’re not down to chop it all off, I suggest getting a stockpile of baby powder to double as dry shampoo and as deodorizer for your body.

I understand that even though we’ll be in the midst of catastrophe, you still may be trying to cultivate a fantasy romance and find a mate. Even so, you may really want to consider cutting longer locks into a bob. The tangles will be narly, bugs may take up residence and it will just be a lot cleaner. If that’s not an option (I get it, no romantic apocalypse will make me cut mine!) then you’ll want lots of ponytail holders so that you can braid it and get it out of your face.

Nails… I hate to break it to you, but you’ll have to cut those babies all the way down. You’ll need a pair of clipper and a nail file and that’s it. It’s not even remotely realistic to think that we’ll be able to have pretty nails. Well-kempt is the best we can hope for. Think about all the fantasy and adventure books you’ve read so far—do you remember any of the protagonists talk about being able to shower and wash their hair? Right, I didn’t think so.


Surviving a romantic apocalypse

November 16, 2011 in Apocalypse World

We’ve all been there—one day, you’re happy and the next, you’re immersed in a full-fledged romantic apocalypse. It seems like your world is ending, and you just know that you’ll never get over it. Relax—there are ways you can heal your heart and start thinking about an adventure romance again, even when you’re living in a post apocalypse world.

Don’t jump back in.
Give yourself some time to heal, without dating or having sex. Read some young adult fantasy books, clean out your closets, do spa nights at home and just take care of yourself.

Work it out.
Hit the gym, go for walks, do yoga and take up a new form of exercise. This gives you time to clear your head and get your endorphins going, while relieving some of the stress that accompanies a broken heart. Plus, regular workouts will get you looking hot for your next and keep you prepared for obstacles in this post apocalypse world.



Write it out.
Spend some time every morning writing your thoughts down in a journal. Who knows—maybe your stories could become a best-selling series of young adult fantasy books!

Rest up.
Sleep and exercise can help you avoid depression. Make sure to get in a solid eight hours. Taking care of yourself physically will help your emotions heal faster, and you need to be well-rested so you can defend yourself in this apocalypse world.

This is the perfect time to assess your role in the breakup and what your patterns may be. A broken heart can inspire change and lead you towards your next young adult fantasy romance.

Eat well.
Don’t fall into emotional eating—avoid comfort food and overeating, and stock your refrigerator with fresh, healthy foods. Keep in mind that cooking can be therapeutic—and it’s an impressive skill to flaunt when you’re trying to find a mate for a young adult fantasy romance.

Don’t be hard on yourself.
Give yourself credit for what you did well in your relationship and learn from its demise. It’s your turn to grow, just like the protagonists in all of our favorite young adult fantasy books.

If you want some tips for keeping your fantasy romance alive, click here.

Be present

October 25, 2011 in Apocalypse World

If you’ve been playing the dating and mating game for a while and you finally meet someone you think could be the perfect mate, you may get a little nervous about going on dates and making them fun, bonding experiences. When you’re trying to create a young adult fantasy romance, it’s important to make sure that your dates are memorable… in a good way.

Start by being present—this is one of the best ways for taking the beginnings of a young adult fantasy into the type of adventure romance that’s written about in old school harlequin romance novels. When you’re in the moment, it’s obvious—and not just relevant to trying to find a mate or locking down that young adult fantasy romance. When you stay present, it makes your entire life better and more enjoyable.

Make it a point to truly listen to your date, making eye contact and offering interjections here and there to let them know you’re engaged. If you met through posting online dating profiles on a dating and mating site like Save the Pearls, you didn’t have to worry about this factor at first. In person, it’s an entirely different game. You need to listen and pay attention to the little things when you’re getting to know someone. Even if you’re ultimately not interested in them, they could be the perfect mate for a friend—if you truly listen to what they have to say you may recognize a potential young adult romance they could have with someone else that you’re close to. Guess who’ll get the bouquet thrown their way at the wedding!

Stay connected with the moment—leave your phone in the car so that you’re not texting, checking Facebook, or browsing online dating profiles. Be polite—give the person the same courtesy you expect. When you’re trying to find a mate and a fantasy romance, you just can’t be rude. You never know who your date may know! Plus, it’s practice. Eden Newman shared a video in the “Watch” section of the Save the Pearls site, of her friend who basically experienced her own romantic apocalypse on camera. It was awful—definitely not the basis of a plot for one of her favorite harlequin romance novels. The guy was a jerk, and while he was looking for a fantasy romance, it was not with her, and gave her no attention after he got what he wanted. He actually wanted to pursue an interracial dating situation. Perhaps if they spoke about that and paid attention to each other dying one of their dates, one of them would have recognized this and avoided their whole on-camera romantic apocalypse.

When you want to bring your young adult fantasy to life, being present is an amazing tool. Whether you dream of interracial relationships or an adventure romance, you’ve got to be patient and live in the moment. Sometimes it’s difficult to watch Eden Newman in her quest to find her own fantasy romance—because of her imminent deadline, it’s hard for her to not worry about the future. Yet even if she only has a few weeks left, being present every moment of every day will help her manifest the young adult romance she’s dreaming of.

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