REVEALING EDEN won first place in the 2012 Eric Hoffer Award for the Young Adult Category and was shortlisted for the Grand Prize!

REVEALING EDEN was awarded "Best Young Adult Fantasy Novel" by the by the prestigious Books & Authors!

REVEALING EDEN is the runner up in the YA category of the 2011-2012 LA BOOK FESTIVAL!

REVEALING EDEN was selected as a runner up in the 2012 SAN FRANCISCO BOOK FESTIVAL!

The Save the Pearls Podcast series is live!
Check them out...
An Eye-Opening Summer
by Victoria Foyt
Wow, what a crazy, unexpected ride this summer has been. Never in a million years did I think my young adult novel, Revealing Eden, would be the subject of such heated controversy or receive any sort of backlash. How could a book with underlying themes of love and self-acceptance, as well as a clear message about the horrors of racism and the deterioration of our environment be attacked as racist?


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Post apocalyptic books and cannibal attacks

The latest cannibal attack took place last week but this time, it was in China. Could this be the result of people reading too many post apocalyptic books and watching too many zombie films? If that doesn't sound plausible, read on.
Manufacturing Rage: A Review of Reviews of "Revealing Eden"
As I write this review, I am approximately three-quarters of the way through "Revealing Eden: Save the Pearls pt 1" by Victoria Foyt. I suspect this is about three-quarters more of the book than most of its detractors have read. The novel, the first of an intended trilogy, was the subject of an Internet brouhaha (remember Kony 2012?) as a result of claims of racism leveled against it.

