
Beauty tips for an Apocalypse World Part 1—Hair and Nails

December 9, 2011 in Eden's Posts

So many people wrote me about my wardrobe tips for an apocalypse world that I felt compelled to create a guide filled with beauty tips. I mean, we can’t just let ourselves go in the midst of dystopia—if we do, we’re sure to lose any chance of a fantasy romance. I mean, dudes out there are searching for the perfect girl, not the perfect Chewbacca! Speaking of hairy creatures, I know a lot of you are wondering, whatever will we do with our crowning glory?

We all know that when our hair looks good, we feel good. Our mane has the power to inspire fantasy and adventure and unlock our self-confidence from the depths of wherever. The products and styling time that go into it our locks are greater than any other part of getting ready, even for those with short hair. In the apocalypse world, we’ll have little time and not be able to waste any power on luxuries like a blow dryer or flatiron—a complete travesty for those who are still trying to find a mate. If you’re not down to chop it all off, I suggest getting a stockpile of baby powder to double as dry shampoo and as deodorizer for your body.

I understand that even though we’ll be in the midst of catastrophe, you still may be trying to cultivate a fantasy romance and find a mate. Even so, you may really want to consider cutting longer locks into a bob. The tangles will be narly, bugs may take up residence and it will just be a lot cleaner. If that’s not an option (I get it, no romantic apocalypse will make me cut mine!) then you’ll want lots of ponytail holders so that you can braid it and get it out of your face.

Nails… I hate to break it to you, but you’ll have to cut those babies all the way down. You’ll need a pair of clipper and a nail file and that’s it. It’s not even remotely realistic to think that we’ll be able to have pretty nails. Well-kempt is the best we can hope for. Think about all the fantasy and adventure books you’ve read so far—do you remember any of the protagonists talk about being able to shower and wash their hair? Right, I didn’t think so.


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